
This section contains information about practices and standards that are usually used across JupyterHub project repositories.

Hosting documentation#

In general the JupyterHub team encourages the use of ReadTheDocs. This is a service that hosts documentation stored in online repositories.


Checkout the documentation in team-compass for more information about this.

The .readthedocs.yaml file#


This file is located in the root of the repository and not in the docs directory.

This file contains configuration on how ReadTheDocs (RTD) will build the documentation. Checkout the RTD docs about the config options in that file.


The contents of this file usually won’t need to be changed when used for a new repository. However, consider changing it in the following cases:

  • you want a different os version than ubuntu-22.04 for the docs builder

  • you want a different Python version than “3.10” for the docs builder

  • you have a different docs directory structure (not recommended)

How to adapt for a new repository#

  1. Change the docs/source/ file according the instructions in that file

  2. Add new Markdown files under the docs/source directory and group them using the Diataxis framework.

  3. Based on the contents of the new files, consider adding more Sphinx extensions to docs/source/ and requirements.txt according to what you want to achieve.

  4. Update the docs/source/ file according to the instructions in that file and

  5. Add more static resources, like logos or images to docs/source/_static

  6. Build the docs locally by running

    # single build
    make html
    # rebuild and refresh the browser on changes
    make devenv
  7. Checkout the rendered html assets built by the make command in the newly generated docs/_build directory


    Running make clean, will delete the _build directory.